Let’s talk Botox

When I started my career in aesthetics 12 years ago, my patients would never ever talk about having a botox treatment. They wouldn’t leave a review either for fear of being judged. It was almost like a dirty little secret, popping out on a lunch break or an after work appointment to have their botox fix desperately praying they wouldn’t bruise and give the game away.

Fast forward to now, and having botox or any aesthetic treatment for that matter is as normal as having a manicure, in fact if you haven’t had a treatment or at least a medical grade facial you’re more than likely in the minority.

So whats the deal with the rising popularity of botox?

Botox treatments are quick effect anti-ageing injections that help to stop the neuro transmission that communicate with our muscles instructing them to move. By essentially paralysing the muscles repetitive muscle movements are softened meaning a reduction in static line formation. It’s a relatively straightforward procedure and whilst it comes with its risks like any medical treatment it gives the patient quick gratification in terms of restoring a youthful appearance.

Botox can be expected to reach its full effects after initial treatment within 2 weeks and most practitioners will offer you a review treatment between 2-4 weeks.

The average person can expect their botox treatment to last between 12-16 weeks but this does vary between patients and is very much dependant on lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress etc.

Many patients expect a completely frozen look however this isn’t always recommended or even achievable and we aim to reduce movement enough to help soften visible static lines. More is not always best!!

Neuro-modulator toxin (Botox) brands such as Bocouture, Botox and Azzalure reach peak effectiveness around 6-8 weeks and the effects will then slowly start to diminish - so you will see a gradual return of movement from around 6 weeks onwards.

Botox can be used not only for cosmetic purposes and is frequently used in opthalmology, parkinsons, bladder disorders and can be used to effectively help reduced migraines.

It is important that when seeking out a botox treatment you find a reputable, fully trained and insured medical professional and receive a full,face to face consultation prior to any treatment as botox is a prescription only medication (POM) for this reason you should never see botox openly advertised due to the legalities surrounding advertising and medications.

Many people are blissfully unaware of this due to the amount of non qualified practitioners that flout the rules and regulations that are put in place to protect both patient and practitioner.

  • do ask to see qualifications

  • make sure you are given sufficient information to make an informed decision

  • make sure you have a full thorough medical history taken and sign a consent from before treatment

  • check your practitioners insurance

  • make sure you are given a cooling off period

  • ensure you are made a review appointment

  • make sure you are made aware of any aftercare instructions and are given a contact number should you need to ask questions or have any concerns

If you’re considering a botox treatment and have any questions you need answered please do drop us an email or get booked in for a consultation.


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