Medical Mentorship

For this weeks blog I really wanted to chat about our newly launched mentorship programmes. We are now thrilled to be offering both 6 month mentorship packages in partnership with Kate from La Ross and stand alone 1-1 sessions to help build on your foundations. This is an incredible opportunity and if I had access to either of these options this 12 years ago I would have snapped it up!

In all honesty when I started I felt completely alone, out of my depth and quite frankly clueless!!! I had absolutely no idea how to get started, how to get patients, how to even inject confidently!!! I was told to use family and friends as models post training and then away I should go and to charge full price after the first model. WOW! and that was then, now the industry is saturated with practitioners be that medic or non medic and you really have to work even harder to stand out and gain the trust of potential patients.

You feel like you have to be social media whizz kid, complications expert, expert lip injector, confident, face of your socials etc and this is OVERWHELMING!!

Really you need a strong steady foundation where you can feel safe, confident and competent and have a network of practitioners around you that can support you and help when you need it. We’ve aid it before but it can be a lonely place within aesthetics and support is key to helping you flourish.

If you’d like our help we can tailor your mentorship to suit your needs - sometimes just a few more hands on sessions with someone there to help and guide is all it takes, or if you’re looking for the complete package our 6 month course may be just what you need! Drop us a message either way we’re more than happy to help xxx


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